Yiwu International Trade City
World No 1 & World's largest wholesale market for small and medium businesses

Yiwu යනු ලොව අංක 1 සහ ලොව විශාලතම සුළු හා මද්ය පරිමාණ ව්යාපාරිකන් වෙනුවෙන් පිහිටුවන තොග වෙළෙඳපොළයි. එහි විශාල ගොඩනැගිලි 5 කින් සමන්විත වන අතර 75,000 පමණ තොග අලවි ආයතන පිහිටා ඇත. සැපයුම්කරුවන් විසින් භාණ්ඩ වර්ග 400,000 ක් ප්රදර්ශනය කරනු ලබයි. Yiwu wholesale market අසලම පිහිටි හෝටලයක නවාතැන් ගැනීම වඩාම සුදුසු අතර booking.com වෙතින් පහසුවෙන් උදැසන ආහාරය සමග කාමර පහසුකම් සොයාගත හැකිය.
Yiwu is World No 1 & World's largest wholesale market for small and medium businesses. Its have large 5 building with 75,000 wholesale shops inside. suppliers exhibit 400,000 kinds of products ( Stationery / Hardware / Household products/ Electronic products / Electrical products / All machinery / Ceramic products/ cosmetics / Shoes / Tourism products / Solar power / Vehicle parts / Optical glasses /Toys and MANY MORE PRODUCTS. Almost every day from 9 am to 5 pm (except during the holidays of Chinese Spring Festival).

Yiwu වෙත ගුවනින් යාම සදහා ශ්රී ලංකික ව්යාපාරිකන් භාවිතා කරනු ලබන ක්රම දෙකකි .
Image - Yiwu International Trade City District Map
ඔබගේ පහසුව සදහා සෑම සතියකම Yiwu to Colombo Business Cargo සේවා ක්රියාත්මකයි.
1 - පළමු ක්රමය
Colombo (CMB) to Shanghai ( PVG) - එතැන් සිට Yiwu වෙත 350km පමණ ගමන් කල යුතුය බස් - ප්රධාන දුම්රි - ටැක්සි රථයක් මගින් ගමන් කිරීම පහසු වේ.
2 - දෙවන ක්රමය
Colombo (CMB) to Hangzhou (HGH) -එතැන් සිට Yiwu වෙත 150km පමණ ගමන් කල යුතුය.ටැක්සි රථයක් මගින් ගමන් කිරීම පහසු සහ ආරක්ෂාකාරී වේ.
ශ්රි ලංකාවේ ව්යාපාරික සංගම් / සංචාරක ආයතන කිහිපයක් විසින්ම Yiwu Market සදහා සංචාර සැලසුම් කරන බැවින් එවැනි ආයතනයක් මගින් මුල්වරට සහබාගි වීම වඩා සුදුසු වේ. ( වැඩි විස්තර විමසන්න ) මෙම Ywu international trade city වෙත ගොස් ශ්රී ලංකාවට භාණ්ඩ ගෙන ඒමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන ව්යාපාරිකන් සදහා විශේෂ ගාස්තු යටතේ business cargo සේවා ලබා දීමට හැකි බව අප සතුටින් දන්වා සිටිමු .අවශ්යය ව්යාපාරිකන් වෙනුවෙන් නොමිලේ / මුදල්ගෙවා භාෂා පරිවර්තකයින් හා Purchasing Assistant වරුන්ගේ සහයද ලබාදිය හැක.
China Yiwu International Trade Mart
- District 1 -
The infrastructure of mart was built in October , 2001 and Yiwu market District 1 was officially put into operation on 22nd Oct. 2002. The total area of this district is 340,000 square meter. with a total investment of 700 million yuan. Over 10,500 suppliers entered and opened more than 10,000 booths here. 70% of products in this area are for exporting. Stepping into the 1st floor, you are coming into a world of flower blossoming and the ocean of all kind of toys. On the 2nd floor which is the most bustling hub also home to exquisite yiwu jewelry and hair ornaments. Come upwards, it's a paradise for art craft dealers, you can see all collections of crafts and gifts including the Christmas items , Santa in various dresses, Christmas trees, snowing streetlights..The top floor is factory outlets for artificial flowers and fashion jewelry & accessories.

Yiwu District 1 Gate
Yiwu Market District 1 Floor Planning
Yiwu market district 2 ranges from gate 19 to get 47 and officially opened on 22nd October ,2004. It covers building area of over 600,000 squre meter and boasts above 8,000 booths. The first floor if mainly for suitcases & bags , umbrellas and raincoats, and packing bags; The second floor deals in hardware tools, accessories like electrical products, locks and vehicles. On the third floor, you can find quality kitchenware & sanitary ware, small home appliances, telecom facilities, electronic instruments,watches & clocks etc. Stepping up on the fourth floor, you can find some factory outlets dealing with bathroom hardware and industrial tools, like pipes, screws and nuts etc.

Yiwu District 2
Yiwu Market District 2 Floor Planning
- District 2 -
- District 3 -
Yiwu Market District 3 is a bit smaller than Yiwu District 2 ,4 and 5 but bigger than District 1 , there are 6,000 standard booths of 14 square meter for each from floor 1 to 3. On Floor 4 and 5 , there are more than 600 booths of manufacturer outlet center. Starting from get 51 , we can find all kinds of pens, ink and paper products. Heading south, we are coming to the home of glasses, both Optical glasses and fashion glasses for adults and kids. On 2nd floor, there is full of stationery wholesale and sports products. If you were a girl, Floor 3 will be your most interested area , as it's all about cosmetics. Factory outlets on 4th floor will meet your needs on indoor and outdoor activities for their multiple equipments.

Yiwu District 3 Gate
Yiwu Market District 3 Floor Planning
In the Yiwu market development history, Yiwu Market District 4 is known as the sixth generation. It was opened on 21st Oct. 2008 with a total building area of 1,080,000 square meter and holds 16,000 booths.
Floor 1 is the haven of sockings , offering all types of socks for seasonal, fashion , sports etc. Coming up to second floor, you will find daily necessities, like gloves, hats & caps , knitted and cotton goods. The third floor display shoes , webbings, lace , caddice , towel etc. On fourth floor, visitors can find wide range of bulk fashion accessories, like bra, underwear, belts and scarves.

Yiwu District 4
Yiwu Market District 4 Floor Planning
- District 4 -
- District 5 -
International Trade Mart District 5 thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development and comprehensively push forward the construction of Yiwu as an international trade city. It covers building area of 640,000 square meters and a significant investment of 1.42 billion yuan.
Over 7,000 booths display their goods here, The categories cover imported products ,beddings, textile, knitting raw materials and automobile products & accessories etc. Floor 5 serves as an e-commerce hub to facilitate smooth online business operations.

Yiwu District 5 Gate
Yiwu Market District 5 Floor Planning
YIWU හි ප්රමුක විශේෂ අතිරේක තොග වෙළදපොළ සහ වෙළද විදී
Yiwu International Trade City (Futian Yiwu market) යනු Yiwu හි විශාලතම සහ හොඳම වෙළඳපොලයි. වෙළඳපොළට අමතරව, මෙම විශේෂ චීන වෙළද නගරයේ වෙනත් වටිනා සහ විශේෂ වෙළඳපොළවල් සහ වීදි තිබේ.

Yiwu International Production Material Market
- Special Markets and Streets In Yiwu -
Location: No.1566 Xuefeng West Road.
The international Production Material Market differs from the Futian market. While the Futian market gets small commodities, the International Production Material market focuses on machinery, equipment, lighting, and leather goods.

Yiwu Huangyuan Clothing Market
This is a thriving clothing market that offers the most extensive and finest clothing accessories at very reasonable prices. The business model here is very flexible as it perfectly complements wholesale and retail for your clothing needs.
Location: The intersection of Jiangbin Middle Road and Huangyuan Road

Yiwu Furniture Market
Location: No.1799 Xicheng Road
The Yiwu Furniture Market is a large-scale market and a fantastic place for furniture shopping. It has been officially approved by the Yiwu City government, ensuring high standards and quality. The facilities here are well-designed to support the customer's comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Meihu Stock Street
Location: North of Wuai Road
You can find a very large product range with stock available here, The stock goods are selling at very great prices for wholesale buyers. The categories include clothing, suitcases, bags, toys, shoes, and Stationary.

Changchun Ornament Street 1-7
Location: The intersection of Mall Avenue and Gongren North Road
This street specializes in fashion jewelry and ornaments. You can also find accessories like glass beads, plastic beads, and natural stones here.

Chouzhou North Gift Street
Location: 601, Chouzhou North Road
On this street, you can find a very large wide range of Christmas goods.
ප්රායෝගික ගැටළු
01 ශ්රී ලංකික ව්යයාපාරිකයන් Yiwu සංචාරය තුලදී මුහුණ දෙන එක් ගැටළුවක් වන්නේ තමන් නවාතැන් ලබාගන්නා හෝටලයේ සපයන ආහාර ( විශේෂයෙන් උදේ ආහාර ) ශ්රී ලාංකිකයන්ට නුහුරු ආහාර වීමයි . මේ සම්බන්දව විකල්ප ක්රම පුද්ගලිකව සකස් කරගැනීම වඩාත් සුදුසු වේ . සංචාරයන් තුල දහවල් ආහාරය බොහෝ දුරට ගැනීමට කාලවේලාවක් පැමිණෙන්නෙම නැති තරම් ය . නමුත් රාත්රී ආහාර ශ්රී ලංකික රුචිකත්වය අනුව පහසුවෙන් සොයාගත හැක.
02 භාෂා ගැටලුව ඇතැම් ව්යයාපාරිකයන් Yiwu සංචාරය තුලදී මුහුණ දෙන තවත් එක් ගැටළුවක් වේ. තමන් මිලදී ගන්නා භාණ්ඩ පිළිබද හොද දැනුමක් තිබීමත් පෙර සුදානමක් සහිතව සහබගිත්වයත් සහ සාමාන්ය English දැනුම තුල මෙම අභියෝගය පහසුවෙන් ජයගත හැක.
03 තමන් ඇනවුම් කිරීමට සැලසුම් කරන භාණ්ඩ පිළිබද දැනගෙන සිටියද එම භාණ්ඩය පිළිබද මුලික තොරතුරු /තාක්ෂණික තොරතුරු / බර ප්රමාණ / Thickness -Gauge / Color Codes පිළිබද තොරතුරු නොදැන සිටීම හෝ ඒවා පිළිබද තොරතුරු - Product Photos -Empty Packing සුදානම් කරගෙන නොයාම.
Contact & Locations
Sri Lanka Back Office (斯里兰卡仓库和办公室)
Business Hub
No. 877,Maradana Road,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Warehouse (02)
Fransawatta Lane,
Sri Lanka
Sea Cargo: +94 76 883 3348
Air Cargo: +94 76 802 3348
Export Air Cargo: +94 76 402 3285
WhatsApp Contacts
Sea Cargo: +94 76 883 3348
Air Cargo: +94 76 802 3348
Export Cargo: +94 76 402 3285
Additional Contacts
WeChat: AsianCargo2001
Office (Container Loading): +94 11 368 2620
Email: asiantradings@asia.com